Time Sharing
Time sharing is a process which allows different users to use a single computer. The various users use the host computer through their own terminals. This terminal may be wired directly to the host computer, connected over the telephone line, a microwave circuit or earth satellite.
Machine Language:
Is the most basic language, which is the collection of detailed, cryptic instruct that contrals the computer. It is not usually used. Because 1. it is difficult to work with 2. every computer has its unique machine language. Hence the programme written in on computer may not work in another computer.
The programme written in high-level language must be translated in machine language before it execantes. An intrerpreter or compliler is a programme which accepts programme that translates the programme in machine language programme as output.
Early commercial implementation of C differed somewhat from Kernighan and Ritchie's original definit. This result minor differences in different implementation of the language. These differences causes difficulty in portability that was attempted to provide. Consequently, American National Standards Institute (ANSI) has developed a standerized definition o f the C language. This is called ANSI-c
Library Funct.
Library funct carry out some commonly used calculation or operal. They are not part of the language though the implementation of the language needs them. print f(...), san f(...), tan etc are library funct.
Syntax Error:
Programming errors are often remain undeceted until the programme is executed. The syntax (or grammatical) errors are those which readily become visible as the programme is run, through these prevent from successful run of the programme. In correct punctuate, improper declare of variables.
Identifiers are th names given to various programme element such as funtion, variables, arrays etc.
Keywords are some reserved words which have standard preditermined meaning in C. Such as if, for, else etc.
Unary Operator:
In C a class of operators act upon a single operand to produce new value. These operators are called unary operator. Such as i++, i--,etc.
Array is a kind of identifier that refers to a collect of data items that all have same name. The data items must be of same type, i.e. integers, charecters, etc.
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